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Marble Surface


Dr. Song's Lab houses state-of-the-art analytical and computational facilities.


We welcome external users from academia and industry. Please contact Dr. Song by his email for instrument availability, user rates, and booking hours. 

Zeiss Sigma 300 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope

This nano-resolution imaging system is incorporated with Bruker Quantax Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy and Deben Mk3 Coldstage. The The acquisition of this FE-SEM EDS is supported by National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation Program. 


Hitachi S3400N VP Scanning Electron Microscope

Hitachi S-3400 variable pressure scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an Oxford Inca energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDS), Gitan ChromaCL live color cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging system and an IXRF x-ray fluorescence microanalysis system.


Computational Systems

Dell 5820 Tower workstations with industrial software packages capable of processing well logs, seismic data, high resolution images, and 3D image stacks. as well as running numerical simulation. Software include SLB Petrel, SLB Powerlog, Geographix, Petra, PerGeos. 

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