Peer-reviewed Publications
(* student co-authors)
12. Song, L. and Duginski, E.*, 2023. Three-Dimensional Pore Networks and Trapping of CO2 in Stevens Sandstone at Elk Hills Oil Field, California, under revision
11. Acharya, T., Song, L., Duginski, E.*, Goodwin, A.*, 2023. Evaluation of Relative Permeability Curves in Sandstone Core Flooding using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Processes, 11(3),780. [Link]
10. Williams, T.S., Bhattacharya, S., Song, L., Agrawal, V. and Sharma, S., 2022. Petrophysical analysis and mudstone lithofacies classification of the HRZ shale, North Slope, Alaska. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, p.109454. [Link]
9. Song, L., S. Bhattacharya, *Z. Webb, *A. Fowler, & *V. Lee, 2021, Preservation of organic carbon in the Cretaceous Hue Shale on the North Slope of Alaska: Insights from pyrite morphology. International Journal of Coal Geology, 103678. [Link]
8. Zhu, Y., Carr, T., Zhang, Z. and Song, L., 2021. Pore characterization of the Marcellus Shale by nitrogen adsorption and prediction of its gas storage capacity. Interpretation, 9(4), pp.SG71-SG82. link
7. Song, L., T. R. Carr, 2020, The Pore Structural Evolution of the Marcellus and Mahantango Shales, Appalachian Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 114. p.104226. [Link]
6. Martin, K. G., L. Song, P. Kavousi, T. R. Carr, 2019, Relationships Between Lineal Fracture Intensity and Chemical Composition in the Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin, Interpretation, v. 7, no. 4. SJ33-SJ43. [Link]
5. Song, L., T. Warner, T. R. Carr, 2019, An efficient, consistent, and trackable method to quantify organic matter-hosted porosity from ion-milled SEM images of mudrock gas reservoirs, AAPG Bulletin. V. 103, No. 6, p. 1473-1492. [Link]
4. Song, L., K. Martin, T. R. Carr, P. K. Ghahfarokhi, 2019, Porosity and storage capacity of Middle Devonian shale: A function of thermal maturity, TOC, and clay content, Fuel, v. 241, p. 1036-1044.[Link]
3. Ghahfarokhi, P. K., T. R. Carr, L. Song, P. Shukla, and P. Pankaj, 2018, Seismic Attributes Application for the Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data for the Marcellus Shale: New Insights to Cross-Stage Flow Communication: SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, January 23-25, Woodlands, Texas, USA, SPE-189888-MS, 20p. [Link]
2. Song, L., Paronish, T., Agrawal, V., Hupp, B., Sharma, S. and Carr, T.R., 2017, July. Depositional environment and impact on pore structure and gas storage potential of Middle Devonian Organic Rich Shale, Northeastern West Virginia, Appalachian Basin. In SPE/AAPG/SEG Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. OnePetro. [Link]
1. Ziemkiewicz, P., Stauffer, P.H., Sullivan-Graham, J., Chu, S.P., Bourcier, W.L., Buscheck, T.A., Carr, T., Donovan, J., Jiao, Z., Lin, L. and Song, L., 2016. Opportunities for increasing CO2 storage in deep, saline formations by active reservoir management and treatment of extracted formation water: case study at the GreenGen IGCC facility, Tianjin, PR China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 54, pp.538-556. [Link]
Selected Conference Abstracts
(* master student co-authors, # undergraduate student coauthors)
Song, L., *E. Duginski, A 3D characterization of the pore network for CO2 storage in Stevens Sandstone of California, USA, 2022, American Chemical Society 2022 Fall Meeting, August 21-25
Song, L., *E. Duginski, and #T. Guadian, A micro-CT Investigation into the pore network and CO2 Storage in Stevens Sandstone of California, USA, 2022, AAPG Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Conference, March 29-31
Song, L., S. Bhattacharya, *Z. Webb, *A. Fowler, and *V. Lee, 2020, Changes in organic carbon and redox conditions during deposition of the Hue Shale-Gamma Ray Zone on the North Slope, Alaska, AAPG Annual Conventional & Exhibition, September 29 – October 1, online
Ghahfarokhi, P. K., T. R. Carr, L. Song, P. Shukla, and P. Pankaj, 2018, Seismic Attributes Application for the Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data for the Marcellus Shale: New Insights to Cross-Stage Flow Communication: SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, January 23-25, Woodlands, Texas, USA, SPE-189888-MS, 20p.
Blood, D. R., B. Dattilo, L. Song, Redox Conditions during Deposition of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone, Appalachian Basin, USA: Controls on the Accumulation of Organic Carbon (Invited Presentation), GSA Annual Meeting, October 22-25, 2017, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Song, L., T. Paronish, V. Agrawal, B. Hupp, S. Sharma, T. Carr, Depositional Environment and Impact on Pore Structure and Gas Storage Potential of Middle Devonian Organic Rich Shale, Northeastern West Virginia, Appalachian Basin, July 24-26, 2017 Autsin, Texas, USA, URTeC-2667397-MS, 20p.
Song, L., T. R. Carr, Characterization of the Pore System and its Storage Capacity in Devonian Black shale of Appalachian Basin, AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, April 2-5, 2017, Houston, Texas, USA.
Song, L. and T. R. Carr, Nano-Scale Pore Structure Evolution of Middle Devonian Organic-Rich Black Shale Through Thermal Maturation, AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, June 19-22, 2016, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Song, L. and T. R. Carr, The Nature of Pore Structure in Middle Devonian Organic-Rich Black Shale From West Virginia and Pennsylvania, AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 31-June 3, 2015, Denver, CO, USA.
Song, L. and T. R. Carr, The Pore Structural Evolution of Mudrock: A Case Study of the Marcellus Shale, Eastern Unconventional Oil & Gas Symposium, November 5-7, 2014, Lexington, KY, USA.
Song, L. and T. R. Carr, Pore Structure of Mudrocks and its Evolution with Thermal Maturity: A Case Study of the Marcellus Shale, GSA Annual Meeting, October 19-22, 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Carr, T. R., S. Bhattacharya, L. Song, G. Wang, Variation in Mudrock (Shale) Geologic Parameters Across the Northern Appalachian Basin, USA, International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, October 6-9, 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.